👤 Kemal Yildirim
Religion in the Lives of the Ancient peoples. Ancient Religion & Ancient Religious Philosophy.
Kemal Yildirim
Political and Religious Power and Philosophy in Ancient Mesopotamia. Politics, Religion and Philosophy in Ancient Mesopotamia.
Kemal Yildirim
The Zaza Civilization. The Zaza Civilization - A Kurdish Sub-Ethnic Group or Separate Identity?.
Kemal Yildirim
The Impact of Arab World’s Tribal culture. The Impact of Arab World’s Tribal culture fromFamily relations to Governance and Conflict.
Kemal Yildirim
The pearl of Mesopotamia, Yazidis, unknown and forgotten. Civilization of Yazidis in Mesopotamia.
Kemal Yildirim
Ethnic and Religious Conflicts in India between Muslims and Hindus. Ethnic and Religious Conflicts.
Kemal Yildirim
Diplomatic Practices in the Foreign Policies of Amarna era. Diplomatic Practices in the Foreign Policies of Amarna era in Anc?ent Near East.
Kemal Yildirim
The Forgotten History of a Indigenous Nation The Arameans. The Forgotten History of a Indigenous Nation ‘’The Arameans of Mesopotamia’’.
Kemal Yildirim
Demands for a Democratic autonomy in Turkey's southeast. A glance over the Kurdish question in Turkey.
Kemal Yildirim
Turkey’s rising route towards an engagement in Sub Saharan Africa. Causes an Challenges.
Kemal Yildirim