The Harvester

📖 The Harvester

Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924) was an American author, naturalist, photographer and movie producer who drew primarily on her Midwestern farm roots for inspiration in her work. She grew up on an Indiana farm, one of twelve children, and spent her life outdoors drawing sketches and taking notes and photographs. She began her career contributing articles and photographs to magazines including «Recreation», «Outing» and «McCalls», and debuted her first novel, «Cardinal», in 1903. In 1911, Stratton-Porter published «The Harvester», a romance novel set in her beloved Midwestern woodlands featuring a Thoreau-esque hero. David Langston, the Harvester, is a reclusive young man who lives a solitary life cultivating medicinal herbs and flowers. Visions of a dream girl consume the young man until he meets the beautiful, but feeble, Ruth Jameson. This enchanting story of devotion and sacrifice set in the charming solace of nature will excite and captivate its audience from cover to cover.

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