First Foot. The cow jumped over the moon.

📖 First Foot. The cow jumped over the moon.

Ironing the bugs out of Robert A Heinlein's Starship Troopers (1959), or wondering if Nova has nuts of her own in Planet Of The Apes (1968), First Foot has been there. If it's trying to understand how it is that Peter Parker has enough sense to be seeing Kirsten Dunst, but wants to climb walls like a spider, or whether the black squid headed Bunraku puppeteers in the Kate Bush video for her single release, 'Hammer Horror' (1978), are still invisibly manipulating her, First Foot has something more revealing to contribute. The damned kids are still going cuckoo in Midwich, according to John Wyndham's The Midwich Cuckoos (1957), while Harley Quinn is still persuading everyone that life is worth living to the full with Suicide Squad (2016), and Poe tries to keep a straight face as the blade dips ever lower towards his abs in The Pit and the Pendulum (1961), so leaving First Foot with but a leg to stand on when it comes to having more of an opinion than is meat to the eye.

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JustFiction Edition