Fact and Fiction II. Looks like it might rain Samantha.

📖 Fact and Fiction II. Looks like it might rain Samantha.

Chimps come from AIDS, Fact and Fiction investigates the claim that AIDS came first with men, and that chimpanzees resulted from the contact. Humanity is the victim of a decapitator, Fact and Fiction reports, as women's seed is denied its reproductive valence, so there aren't in fact any humans on the planet Earth, or at least they're outlawed: `And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed.' (Rev: 12. 17) Fact and Fiction examines the concept of Faminism to determine whether women are helping the ball snorting 'beast' of Revelation to keep the human species brainless by starving women's seed of sexual reproduction, so making Faminism the fabled horse of Jesus' disciple John's apocalyptic vision of the future alongside plague, war and death. Pornography's the sign of a race war for survival against an alien slaver. Fact and Fiction examines the absence of women's seed from the picture and tries to get a look at what the alien might be.

О книге

автор, издательство, серия
JustFiction Edition