Evaluation of Real-Time Communication in IoT Services by WebRTC..

📖 Evaluation of Real-Time Communication in IoT Services by WebRTC..

This work appreciates IoT as a widely popular paradigm to build distributed networked applications and discusses some of the relevant works on present context. It continues with defining the architecture, core building blocks and associated challenges of IoT. Furthermore, it introduces WebRTC as a specification for real-time communication and describes its architecture. WebRTC is proposed to address some of the major challenges of IoT as a standardization framework. It takes inspiration from a proposed IoT application model and attempts to create a prototype using publish-subscribe pattern of distributed systems and container virtualization for fast hardware-independent prototyping. Finally, it evaluates the prototype and concludes with the proposition of potential improvements and future work.

О книге

автор, издательство, серия
AV Akademikerverlag